5 facts and 5 myths about acne

Adult acne can be very confusing and a real nightmare. Acne can be treated, and the first step is to be well-informed. So we reveal the 5 most common myths and 5 facts about acne.
Myth 1 - Acne is for teenagers
It's true that it's more common during puberty, but anyone can get acne. There is adult acne, with very different characteristics from adolescent acne, and it can be hereditary or caused by hormonal changes such as puberty, but also pregnancy, menstruation and even stress. Bad habits such as an inadequate skin care routine, poor diet, drinking too little water or the habit of touching the face often can also aggravate.
Myth 2 - Chocolate makes acne worse
Chocolate itself has no effect on acne. Cow's milk, which is known to contain hormones and sugar, may not help you get better. The solution? You can eat chocolate, but choose products with a high concentration of cocoa, vegans and low concentrations of sugar!
Myth 3 - If I wash a lot the skin will improve
Excessive exfoliation and cleansing can exacerbate acne problems as they can irritate and dry out the skin, which causes it to produce more oil.
Washing your face properly in the morning and at night is more than enough. In fact, excessive cleansing, along with the astringent ingredients that are often used in acne treatments, can dry out our skin.
An acneic skin, even if it is oily, can be dehydrated, and that is never a good thing. We recommend products that treat acne gently, without abrasive ingredients, and that regulate the hydration level of our skin.
Myth 4 - If I have acne, I should avoid wearing makeup
There is no need to avoid make-up if you have acne. It's important to choose the right products for oily, blemish-prone skin. Choose products that are non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic and, if possible, oil-free that are specific for sensitive or acne-prone skin. Remember to always remove makeup.
Myth 5 - Now that summer is coming, the sun will dry my pimples
The sun is not beneficial for the skin, let alone for acne. Solar radiation burns and dries our skin and can cause stains that are very difficult to remove, so if you go out in the sun, always use a cream with a high sun protection factor. If your acne is severe or you are treating it with medication, we do not recommend sunbathing in any case, but always consult your dermatologist.
Fact 1 - Acne skin needs hydration
Skin hydration maintains the integrity of its barrier function and is vital for good skin health. Even oily skin needs hydration, as excess oils do not equate to effective skin hydration.
It is important to follow a consistent routine of good skin care. The skin should be washed twice a day - morning and evening - with a cleanser specially formulated for acne. After cleansing, use a treatment serum that helps with acne. Finish with a non-comedogenic light moisturizer, which lets the skin breathe and doesn't allow pimples and blackheads to form. A weekly exfoliation also helps to remove dead cells and improve the condition of the skin.
Fact 2 - Do not squeeze pimples
This is true. Moving, scratching or squeezing your pimples causes skin damage and can potentially result in permanent pigmentation marks or skin scarring. It's best to use a treatment that targets the area directly, which can dry out and help settle the inflammation.If pimples are constant then it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist who will be able to give you advice on skin care and treatments
Fact 3 - Acne is genetic
Genetics have a big role to play in the development of acne. Some studies have suggested that nearly 80% of acne is due to the presence of certain genes that are inherited. However, lifestyle, diet and skin care routine can go a long way in reducing this condition.
Fact 4 - Adult acne affects women more than men
It's true because women are more sensitive to hormonal changes, for example, during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy.
Fact 5 - It is necessary to be patient with acne
If you are upset that the new products you are using are not having an immediate effect, the truth is that this may be normal. A pimple can take up to 8 weeks to disappear completely. Be patient with your acne treatment, and if you don't see any change in 10 weeks, make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss an alternative treatment.