The Green Beauty Blog / Limpeza

Torne-se um especialista na sua própria beleza

Nós sabemos que nem sempre é fácil saber que cosméticos orgânicos ou maquilhagem natural escolher, ou que rotina adotar de acordo com o seu tipo de pele e preocupações. Por isso oferecemos-lhe um arquivo completo de artigos que respondem às suas perguntas e esclarecem as suas dúvidas.

Como escolher o seu creme, leite ou gel de limpeza?

How to choose your cream, milk or cleansing gel?

Cleansing your face is one of the most important steps in a skin routine and everyone should do a double cleanse: first using an oil and then using a water-based product. In this post we help you choose the best product for your second cleansing step, according to your skin!
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Como escolher o seu bálsamo ou óleo de limpeza?

How to choose your cleansing balm or oil?

All skin types (yes, even combination and oily) should use a cleansing oil. Make-up, pollution and excess sebum are fatty substances that oil emulsifies and eliminates without harming the skin, thanks to the basic rules: fat attracts fat. Discover which products are ideal for you and your skin!
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Os melhores produtos de limpeza de rosto naturais e orgânicos para cada tipo de pele

The best natural and organic face cleansers for every skin type

Cleansing the skin is an essential step in any skin care routine. An effective skin cleanser removes make-up, eliminates dead cells, dirt and sebum that accumulate on the skin's surface throughout the day, without destroying the natural lipid barrier that our skin has. In this post, we will share the best natural and organic skin care products for every skin type.
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Double Cleansing - a arte de limpar a pele duas vezes

Double Cleansing - the art of cleaning the skin twice

Double cleansing, or double cleansing, is for many the secret to healthy skin. Its ori...
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